Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Success Ritual for Achieving Your Goals by the End of the Year

It's late in the year. Have you seen your goals? Have they shriveled up from too much summer sun? Have they become dejected due to inattention? Or have they developed muscles from being stretched to a comfortable repetition?
In a few short weeks, as few as six, many of us will start focusing on the holidays and all the festivities they entail. Neglecting your business or your goals could cost you dearly. Imagine the momentum you could lose if you don't maintain focus.
Here's a process I use to stay focused on my goals, even during the holidays.
First Imagine your vision – What do you want your business to do during the next three months? What kind of income do you want? How many new clients do you want to attract? What Big Picture Goals will you find time to work on? How much free time do you want to enjoy? Plan NOW for what you want.
Second Write it down – on a 3 x 5 index card, write down what you want to have achieved in the next three months. What would that look like? Write it down in the present tense as if you already have this success in your life. write the date you want to achieve it by.
Here's an example: "12/24/2013. I'm so happy that I have 5 new clients! Thank you bank account for delivering ten new passive revenue sales this month totaling $1500. And I have 8 new signups for my workshop!"
Put the index card in your top office drawer so that you see it every day. Or tape it to your office wall.
ThirdFeel it! Every time you see your index card, think about what it would be like to achieve what you want. Would you have a great holiday? Would you be smiling? What would your bank statement look like? Believe in yourself and your capabilities! Feel the success!
The key is that you MUST do each step. Writing it down without imagining the possibilities is pointless. Not being able to see the index card will mean out of sight, out of mind.
Then, think about all the scary things you need to be doing to achieve this goal. Who do you need to call? Who do you need to email? What favors do you need to ask? Who do you need to BE to get what you want?
This works. Just keep doing it. Don't neglect your business during this season. You will be ahead of the pack because you never stopped.
Be the best person you can be!
Prosperity Coaching LLC

Friday, September 25, 2009

Marketing and Perseverance

"Victory belongs to the most persevering." Napoleon
What is the most necessary ingredient in a great marketing plan? No, it's not some funky, new, state of the art marketing tactic. No, there is no secret tip or tool that will be a doozie, whiz bang, huge success that brings clients screaming in droves to your front door.

The most necessary ingredient in a great marketing plan is your Persistence! Successful marketing means picking five to seven tactics and repeating them over and over again for at least six months, sometimes one year.

My client learned this recently. Despite sending Press Releases for his events, the media was ignoring him. Each time a new event was scheduled he reluctantly sent another release, at my urging. Finally, the phone rang. It was a new sign up for his event. Then it happened again. And again. He learned that several publications had published his event.


That's what it takes to build a business - more clients - through strategy.  If you create a good strategy and stick to it you will enjoy success.

Financial Advisor Business Coach

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Power of a Positive Message

It's amazing how the power of a positive message can change our psyche. I listened live to Tony Robbins as he spoke today at the Twitter conference (via a live feed on my computer). Tony spoke about how fear is always bigger than the actual situation.

It made me think about a conversation I had last night with a bunch of ICF coaches at a living room salon at the home of Lee Vikre. Otto Siegel, MCC spoke about emotions during this recession and the difference between Germany and the United States. The pervading emotion in Germany is GUILT whereas in the United States it is FEAR.

This country seems to be paralyzed in FEAR. What do we fear? Do we fear lack? Do we fear failure? As long as we stay in FEAR we will not move forward. The challenge is for all of us to turn our negative thoughts into positive thoughts and to always take the high road. What is the worst that could happen?

Tony Robbins is right. The fear is always bigger than the actual situation.

Suzanne Muusers

Financial Advisor Business Coach

Prosperity Coaching LLC

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Coaching Gets Results

Real success is happening out there in the world today! It's not happening from information. We have information overload right now. Join my ezine. Buy my information product. Get my free report. Follow this link. Watch this video.

You can be in receipt of all the right information, but it's meaningless if you don't do something with it. This is even true with me. I have a file folder full of free reports I've downloaded from various websites over the last year. I have read a countless number of books in the past twelve months. None of this is helpful unless I do something with it.

I'm working with a coach who holds me accountable to implementing new tools and strategies to get where I want to go. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am if not for my coach. I get crucial activities accomplished just before I talk to my coach. It gets done.

We all want Results. Like the advisor who called me yesterday to find out the success traits he needs that will help him build a million dollar practice within three years. I don't have all the answers, but even if I did what would he do with it?

Information is great, but it's focused action that gets results. In order to break out of where you are now, you need to take focused action with a mentor or coach over a period of time. There's no better way to get results and achieve success. I am a living example and so are my clients.

Suzanne Muusers

Financial Advisor Business Coach

Prosperity Coaching LLC

Friday, September 18, 2009

Set Your Success Intentions

We've all be waiting quite some time for the US recession to peter out. The powers that be have said that since the recession has been so deep, that it would take some time to come out of it. Well, we are coming out of the recession. The signs are everywhere… except in our minds.
Here are snippets of what I've heard at networking events recently:
"…you do still have clients don’t you?"
"… I don't want those kinds of clients (the one who have bad credit) because they are difficult to deal with"
"…nobody has any money"
"…people are raiding their 401k plans"
"…you don't know how tough it is out there"
I propose that we stop complaining and start setting "Success Intentions." By focusing on what's possible if we take responsibility for our financial situation we can lose the "failure attitude" that is so prevalent.
Do you want success in your life? Do you want to reach your full potential? Do you want to stop suffering? If you answered yes to these questions, then I have some advice for you.
Here's the deal:

  • Stop complaining
  • Take control of your future
  • Take action
  • Invest in your business
  • Envision the possibilities
  • Get to work on the bigger picture of your business

Every time you notice that you are complaining, pinch yourself and turn the behavior around. I fell into the trap yesterday. I was driving along in my cute red sports car when I complained to my husband that the car had broken down in the past week and needed more work done soon. I said "I hope this piece of *rap doesn't break down on me." Then I realized what I had just said. I caressed the dash board, corrected myself and said "This is a great car and it's going to get me where I need to go without any problems."
Remaining positive in a world mired in negativity is difficult to do. But the alternative is wallowing in pity and being stuck in inactivity. Don't do it. Keep moving. Action cures anxiety.
Read this post about giving yourself an attitude adjustment if you need related resources.

Business Coach for Entrepreneurs & Financial Advisors
Prosperity Coaching LLC

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lack of Progress on Your Goals? Common Reasons

"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it." Marva Collins

Here we are coming out of summer and finishing out September. It's a great time to be making progress in your business. But are you making progress? Or have you dug yourself into a comfortable hole?

There are many reasons why we don't make progress towards our goals. Sometimes we just get too busy and we don't have time to do the things we need to do to achieve significant success. Sometimes we don't make the time to work ON our business. At other times, we get all comfy and don't want to rise to the challenge.

Is one of your goals to increase revenue this year? And have you?
Here are some common reasons for lack of progress on revenue goals:

  1. · Not enough prospects in pipeline – you haven’t been in business long enough to develop your pipeline
  2. · Not leveraging current clients – for some reason, you don't want to ask your current clients for referrals
  3. · No action – you are simply not working on your business weekly
  4. · Not willing to step outside comfort zone – you don't want to leave your comfy chair
  5. · Not booking enough appointments – not picking up the phone
  6. · Not asking for the business – walking away from prospects and clients without closing the sale
If any of these apply to you, you may need to examine how you're doing things and you may need more activity. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that your Daily Success Ritual should include phone activity, in person meetings, networking, and getting out of the office.
In order to make progress on your goals, you may need to get out of your comfy chair!
Grow Your Business & Prosper
Marketing Coach for Entrepreneurs & Financial Advisors