Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Networking without follow up is crazy

I run into business owners who do a lot of networking. They list off all the networking events they attend and tell me how often they are out of the office. When I ask what strategy they have in place to follow up on everyone they meet, they stare at me blankly.

Networking is one of the best ways to grow a business and find new clients. If, however, you never follow up with those you made a meaningful connection with, you are wasting your time.
There are several great books that talk about networking follow up strategies. Here are two: Endless Referrals – Bob Burg; Get More Referrals Now - Bill Cates.

My golden rule for networking follow up is: Send a card or email within 24 hours. If you wait longer than 24 hours, you risk not following through. If you wait weeks or months, you risk not being remembered which is the kiss of death in my opinion.

When you send your follow up email or note, ask the prospect if they’d like to get together for coffee. This is a nice, non-threatening way to get to know them better. Be curious about them and their business by asking questions about their background and experience. Use this information to see if there are referral possibilities between you.

Make networking worth it by following up. Networking without follow up is crazy.

Grow Your Business and Prosper!
Suzanne Muusers
Business Coach for Entrepreneurs & Financial Advisors
Scottsdale, Arizona

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